greeting card assorted, various colours and designsLokta can be used with nearly any pencil (Marker,..
greeting card A7 assorted, various colours and designsLokta can be used with nearly any pencil (Mark..
6 x 6 greeting cards marguerites, A7, envelopes C7 matching colour, various patterns and colours, ha..
4x 6 greeting cards, 5,2 x 6,5 cm, envelopes coloured, from handmade lokta paper with silkscreen pri..
4 x 6 greeting cards japan blossoms and circle blossom, 5,2 x 6,5 cm, envelopes matching, on a tray,..
4x 6 greeting cards,5,2 x 6,5 cm, envelopes matching colours, in: B ChristmasLokta can be used with ..
4x6 greeting cards leaf brocade, on a tray, 5,2x6,5 cm, envelopes matching, in: D dark coloursOur pa..
6x6 greeting cards, A7, envelopes C7, various patterns and colours, in: B bright coloursOur papers a..
6 x 6 greeting cards leafs, A7, envelopes C7 matching colour, various patterns and colours, in: ..
4x 6 greeting cards stary sky, 5,2 x 6,5 cm, envelopes matching, assorted coloursLokta can be used w..
9 x 5 greeting cards, 5 x 5 cm, inside natural, envelope 5,8 x 5,8 cm, on a tray, in: P pastel colou..
6 x 6 folded cards, A7, envelopes C7 matching colour, various patterns and colours, in: B multicolou..
4 x 6 Greeting cards stars, 5,2 x 6,5 cm, envelopes matching, assorted colours on a tray, in: 02 nat..
set of 6 x 6 folded cards, A7, envelopes C7 matching colour, various patterns and colours, in: B mul..
4 x 6 Greeting cards Japanese circles, 5,2 x 6,5 cm, envelopes matching, on a tray, assorted colours..
9 x 5 folded cards circles and ovals, 5 x 5 cm, inside natural, envelope 5,8 x 5,8 cm, on a trayLokt..
6 x 6 greeting cards wave from mini dots, A7, envelopes C7 matching colour, various patterns and col..
6 x 6 greeting cards Chrysanthemum, A7, envelopes C7 matching colour, various patterns and coloursLo..
4 Greeting cards spirals, inside natural, A6, envelope C6, matching colour, in: B multicolourLokta c..
4 x 6 greeting cards blossoms, 5,2 x 6,5 cm, envelopes, on a tray, 4 colour ways on naturalLokta can..