nomad/ lassi cup, old and new, but all used, handemade and hand engraved in Inida, sizes varyi betwe..
Fish box, India, 13x7.5x5.5 cm ..
Stars, 5,5 x 5,5 cms, with ribbon, in naturalThe felt production has immensly increased the chances ..
Set of 3 paper bowls, patchwork technique, inside slightly lacquered, small bowl height 11cm, diamet..
Wooden block, handcarved in India, various geometric and floral patterns, black, assorted designs, a..
Wooden stamp borders, floral and geometric motifs, 4-5 x 12 cm..
christmas tree bauble, leaf print, Ø 7cms, height 8cms, silver..
christmas tree bauble with waves and dots, Ø 13cm, silver..
Christmas tree hanging, white-golden, Ø 5 cms, assorted..
Christmas tree hanging, made from glass, 2-3cms, in many colours and designs..
tear drop galls decoration, 5 x 3 x 1 cm, translucent..
christmas tree ovale bauble check, etched pattern, coloinal design, Ø 8 cms, height 10cms, ..
christmas tree ovale bauble tendril, etched pattern, coloinal design, Ø 8 cms, height 10cms,&nb..
christmas tree bauble snow crystal, etched pattern, coloinal design, Ø 7,5 cms, handmade in Ind..
christmas tree bauble tendrils, etched pattern, coloinal design, Ø 7,5 cms, handmade in In..
christmas tree decoration oval shape stars, etched pattern, coloinal design, Ø 8 cms, height 10..
christmas tree bauble stars, etched pattern, coloinal design, Ø 7,5 cms, handmade in India, in:..
Christmastree decoration diamond, etched pattern, coloinal design, Ø 7 cms, handmade in India, ..
Christmastree decoration spiral, etched pattern, coloinal design, Ø 4 cms, height 6 cms,&n..
christmas tree bauble grapes, etched pattern, coloinal design, Ø 7,5 cms, handmade in India, in..
knob, colonial style, ceramic, India..
5 camels on a line, Rajastan..
8 camels on a line, Rajastan..
5 elefants on a line, Rajastan..
8 elefants on a line, Rajastan..
10 birds on a line, Rajastan..
30 birds on a line, Rajastan..
Box, 7,5x7,5x3,2cm, handpainted, cashmere style..
Box, 10x10x3,3cm, handpainted, cashmere style..